Anne Shannon, papermaker at The Paper Artisan
Making a sheet of handmade paper is all about the interactions between fibres, water, dyes, and drying methods. The artisan engages with these interactions: pulling a screen through water, rocking it on drying felts, and shaping it into forms.
Discovering papermaking called Anne into the wonder of the process. As she began to engage with the fibres, pieces began emerging. Various colors, shapes, and forms came to life. Interacting with the different processes became a wonderful kind of play.
Anne loves engaging with the world. Whether its traveling, walking in the neighbourhood, creating and savoring a meal, or discovering a word's true meaning, her experiences of living become sources of inspiration for the next set of cards or the next sculpture.
The Paper Artisan emerged as a place to invite you into the interactive process. Engage with the pieces, bring one home, or commission a work. Enjoy!
Ani Shannon es la papelera de The Paper Artisan.
La creación de una hoja de papel se trata de las interacciones entre fibras, agua, y formas de secar. La artesana interactua con estos procesos: pasando la pantalla por el agua, tiñendo con colors, y escogiendo la forma de secar, y formando esculturas.
Al descubrir la artesania de papel, Ani se sumergio en la maravilla del proceso. Al interactuar con las fibras y los colores, las piezas comenzaron a tomar vida. Se torno en otra forma de jugar.
A Ani le encanta el vivir la vida a su entorno. Ya sea a traves de crear y saborear una comida, explorar lugares nuevos y viajar, o reflejando en el origen y los significados de las palabras.
The Paper Artisan surgio como un lugar para invitarle a interactuar con las piezas. Disfrutenlas, consiga uno para su casa, o encargue una pieza.